Top-Navigation - Englisch

Danish 1 + 2 Combined Package

125.00 CHF

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SKU: 978-3-7087-0809-6. Category: . Tags: , , , , , .

Product Description

The course is according to EU-Standards for languages: A1 to B2

The contents of the combination package 1 and 2 includes everything you need from the beginner level to language fluency. You obtain a high level of language proficiency and learn to express yourself fluently in everyday situations and in your work environment.

Choice of Teaching Language

German and English

Language Course with 200 Lessons

  • Spoken dialogue interaction with the computer
  • Learn words by speaking or writing them
  • Pronunciation training with voice recognition
  • Intuitive grammar training
  • Vocabulary Memory Games
  • Words and sentences linked to reference tools
  • Topics covering everyday life, travel and business

Additional Focused Learning Tools

  • Pronunciation trainer with systematic training of all sounds
  • Conversation trainer with 100 dialogue situations per level
  • Vocabulary trainer with a flash card method and an individualised list of words
Strokes Reference Suite including

  • Complete grammar with 190 topics
  • Dictionnary with 4300 spoken words and 2900 example sentences
  • Table of conjugations with 800 verbs

Voice Recognition

  • Train dialogues, vocabulary and pronunciation interactively
  • Conversation Trainer and Vocabulary Trainer
Mobile Learning without the Computer

  • MP3-Export: Export complete dialogues and words of the dialogues for learning away from the computer
  • Print Function :High quality printout of the lessons with the simultaneous export of relevant audio files
  • Create lesson plans and set individual priorities


System Requirements

Compatible with Mac OSX from 10.6 to 11 Big Sur and Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11

Make sure to order the correct download version!

  • Free Hard Disk Space: approx. 350 MB
  • System Memory : 512 MB
  • Microphone / Speakers
  • Sound Card
  • DVD-ROM Drive (only for DVD-Version)
  • Internet Connection (just once, to activate the software)

Recommendation: For best results with voice recognition we recommend a headset.

Learning methode

Easy Learning works for all types of learners The Easy Learning language course has the suitable exercises and learning features for each type of learner. A diverse range of exercises with different focuses and the option of creating individualised lesson plans ensures that you can learn they way it best suits your needs. Having fun while learning is the basis of successful language learning. Learning Languages   –  with or without previous knowledge There is no language that you can’t learn. Easy Learning uses the advantages of modern computer technologies and has developed advanced learning techniques that make foreign languages very accessible, even to the not so talented. And you don’t need any previous knowledge of the language.. Stay Focused – Situation Based Learning Language training with EASY LEARNING always sets the focus on the one primary goal of mastering communication in each of the real-life situations of the course. To master a situation, you do all the language exercises of your lesson plan within the context of that situation. You learn to say the most important things to the extent that you end up saying things automatically, without having to think. This is the key to fluency in a foreign language. During an EASY LEARNING lesson you not only learn to master sentences in a specific situation, you also do a number of motivating exercises to learn and consolidate the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation that apply to the same situation. Multi Channel Learning System Easy Learning combines five learning channels: reading, hearing, writing, speaking and picture association. Each word has a way of writing, a sound and a meaning, which need to be memorized together as a unit. When you read a word you also make yourself a picture of its sound and its meaning. In order to speak fluently, this process of linking writing, sound, picture and meaning must become automatic. Easy Learning exercises always use different channels simultaneously: hearing, reading, speaking and writing are not practised seperately but always in combinations. This method ensures that you memorise words and sentences more quickly and such that you don’t forget them anymore. Natural and Literal Translations In the EASY LEARNING language courses, the sentences of the dialogues have a natural and a literal translation. Natural translations of sentences are translations that are written exactly the way you would express something in English. You need natural translations to immediately understand what is meant in all parts of your language course. Literal translations of words and sentences are translations that follow the structure and grammar rules of the foreign language. You need literal translations to immediately understand how a native speaker thinks and expresses himself, which is frequently completely different from English. What is the advantage of natural and literal translations? The major benefit of natural and literal translations is that they enable you to learn with direct comparison to your mother-tongue, which makes you understand and progress much faster. Total cross-linking of the language content The words of the dialogues are linked to sound, relevant grammar topics, conjugation tables of verbs, literal translations and dictionary forms of words. The immediate benefit of cross-linking is that you can access all the language information you need with just one click. No Inhibitions – Speak freely! Easy Learning offers you many opportunities to practise speaking in a foreign language. For learners who hesitate to speak in a foreign language, this programme is an ideal solution to help you lose all inhibitions by practising and simulating conversations with the computer. It won’t take long and speaking in a foreign language will come naturally to you. You will be able to construct complete sentences and gain increasing confidence in speaking as you proceed to language fluency. The Pronunciation Trainer The key to fluency is intensive speaking. You need to train your ears and your vocal muscles to recognize and reproduce the individual sounds in the foreign language. With the pronunciation trainer you learn and practise each of the sounds of the foreign language. With voice recognition as well as hearing and speaking exercises you train the pronunciation with hundreds of words that contain the individual sounds. Learning the Grammar Once you have mastered the correct grammar forms and sentence constructions, you can dedicate yourself to improving your quality of speech. Words in each sentence of the dialogues of the programme are linked to relevant grammar explanations which you can call up at any time.. You learn to understand the grammar of a foreign language as it applies in real-life situations and conversations. Grammar topics are also practised with hundreds of special grammar exercises day by day in a natural progression by level of difficulty. The numerous examples and exercises with each topic will teach you the grammar rules intuitevely. A complete written grammar explaining all the grammar rules is also included in the programme and is linked to the exercises such that learners who want to know more can call up relevant explanations at any time. Learning Vocabulary without Cramming Learning vocabulary with the Easy Learning voice recognition system functions in a similar way as when a good friend questions you to see if you know the words. You just answer by speaking or writing the words. If you don’t know a word, that’s no problem: The flash card vocabulary trainer structures the learning process for you. Just work yourself from word to word. Words that don’t come easy to you are repeated as often as necessary, until they are anchored in your longterm memory. Success and Motivation Success in learning leads to higher motivation to learn more. The Easy Learning course teaches you to communicate in real-life situations right from the beginning. You can see the results immediately.